
Netflix is a go-to source for streaming movies and TV shows, but users sometimes encounter frustrating issues like the app crashing on smart TVs. This guide will provide practical solutions to fix the issue of Netflix crashing on your smart TV, ensuring an uninterrupted streaming experience.

Why Does Netflix Keep Crashing on My Smart TV?

There are several reasons why Netflix might keep crashing on a smart TV, including outdated software, network issues, or insufficient device memory. To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Netflix App:

    • Ensure you have the latest version of the Netflix app installed. Check for updates in the app store of your smart TV and install any available updates.
  2. Update Smart TV Firmware:

    • Outdated firmware can cause compatibility issues. Navigate to your TV's settings and check for firmware updates. Install any updates available to ensure your TV is running the latest software.
  3. Check Internet Connection:

    • A stable internet connection is crucial for streaming. Ensure your smart TV is connected to a reliable Wi-Fi network. Consider using a wired Ethernet connection for a more stable connection.
  4. Restart Your Devices:

    • Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve many issues. Restart your smart TV, router, and any other devices connected to your network.
  5. Clear Cache and Data:

    • Over time, cached data can cause performance issues. Go to the settings menu of the Netflix app on your smart TV and clear the cache and data.
  6. Free Up Memory:

    • Ensure your smart TV has enough available memory. Uninstall any unused apps and clear unnecessary data.
  7. Reinstall Netflix App:

    • If the issue persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Netflix app. This can resolve any corruption in the app files.

For detailed troubleshooting steps, visit Netflix Keeps Crashing on My Smart TV.

Contact Netflix Support:

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it may be necessary to contact Netflix support for further assistance. Netflix provides several support options, including live chat, phone support, and help articles on their website.


While encountering issues with Netflix crashing on your smart TV can be frustrating, the solutions provided in this guide can help you troubleshoot and fix the problem. Ensuring your software is up-to-date, maintaining a stable internet connection, and clearing cache and data are key steps to resolving this issue. If all else fails, contacting Netflix support will provide additional assistance to get you back to enjoying your favorite shows and movies.